Wednesday 15 May 2013

I Books Research Continued...

i found it hard to research the i books since i dont have an iPad and most of the free sample books are literally just books without any interaction, so i decided that i would download i books author and explore the interactive elements that can be used with the software.

These are some of the widgets available in i books author and i defiantly plan on using most of them, since my designs are incredibly pattern based i feel that a rougher, scrapbook mismatched style is whats going to work best with my designs. so i was pleased when i found in the inspector that pictures could be given various frames that could highlight my theme. 
i even initially played around with the image gallery feature since i knew that they were going to be key aspects in my ibook. i wanted to ensure the visuality and make sure that my overall content wasn't too heavy and text orientated. i also wanted to ensure that my design maintained a fun, messy presence which i think not only concurs with my visual style but it also makes the ibook more user friendly and more engaging for my level 3 target audience.
A quick experimentation with how i could make my image galleries look, altering the frame to the torn edges option which softens and and simultaneously separated from the simple orange fill placed behind it.
i also looked into some Bookry widgets which contain some potential interactive elements. although some of them are a little too formal or contrastingly somewhat childish (and not in a way that i could integrate them in well)- the sketchpad being one example. However some of the widgets, the youtube one for instance, the i tunes music and even the slider puzzle all look interesting enough for me to include within my ibook.

So after my brief experimentation with the Ibooks software i feel that it would be more prudent to simply experiment with the tools to create my own visual style, most of the interactive elements are fairly easy to navigate and i think its more about the design and aesthetics so i don't have to worry too much about technological structure as i do with  the website. i actually have a lot of the content already made on illustrator although i may need to think about creating some blander backgrounds specifically for the ibook.

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