Monday 21 April 2014

Choosing the name..

In order to get started quickly one of the first things we did as a group was to allocate people to certain jobs and figure out a basic timing- now we have a brief with proper dates on we have since adhered to the timing in the brief- but each person has been allocated a vague area in which to focus. I have placed myself within the printing and branding sections- printing because theres a catalogue to design and I think that could be fun and branding because Dan Mole (person in charge of branding) said that since Connor and I had to print everything and design a catalogue it would make sense for us to have input in the branding. Having said this everyone has to produce a branding poster idea anyway so Im not sure if it'll effect this anymore.

The second issue that we came across was that of a name. After a long discussion we had about 5 names:

Luma (I thought it was a bit random but perhaps a random word would work better because it has no meaning)

RGB (an acronym for something I jokingly suggested really good bullshit which people seemed to like)

Room 301 (since we operate in room 301 I liked the reference) people thought that this was overdone and wanted to get rid of the room but I argued that this would get rid of the little reference and it would just be a number- others found that this was a good thing because it was less cheesy- but I think that as a parallel to room 101 the room filled with your worst fears that using this reference would have been amusing. Sadly I was outvoted on this one.

Dots per inch (I'm not convinced on this one)

Children of the Resolution- Noone really like the idea- or got the reference- Ive included it because it was one of my favourites - I liked the fact that it paralleled the 70's T Rex song Children of the Revolution, but I also liked that it referenced us as students- we are children (students) of the resolution (the screen) but noone really got it so I didnt push this option.

After much debate we opted to whittle down choices and in the end we had two:

Dots per inch
RGB (standing for something)

Whilst I didnt like either I fought for RGB because I didnt like the other option. Sadly RGB lost to Dots per Inch- im still not convinced - it sounds a bit boring and a bit unoriginal - I think we are better than that but I also think that the name shouldnt matter too much as long as its branded well - Im hoping to make it sound more fun somehow!

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