Friday 22 March 2013

Pattern Research Orla kiely

once i had generated my font styles for my headings and logo i knew that it would be prudent to design some patterns that i could use to generate borders, headers and footers within both my website and i book. because i wanted to make both have a very vintage retro style i decided to research some print designs that had a very retro vintage feel.
orla kiely had had a very retro vintage style and i really like how simple her repeated shapes are and how some of them interlock together.  the pear one was one of my favourites mostly because there was a lot of emphasis on on shape something i feel is key to making an effective pattern. all of her designs are inspired by nature which mirrors my own theme ( i wouldnt consider using her patterns because they dont fully link to my topic, but i would like to generate some of my own in her style).
the flower design isnt as crowded which isnt as overwhelming (something to take into consideration when designing my own) and i do like the simplicity of each repeated shape again something that i will take into consideration.
i looked at the print above because i wanted to see how animals could be used within a pattern each bird is simple and the only separating factor was the colours of each. again the design is very crowded but the bold elegant soft edged shapes ensure the style and visual appeal.

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