Thursday 14 March 2013

Vintage style websites

After looking at websites inspired by nature i noticed that a lot of them had a very vintage quality to them so i opted to do more research into that area in order to establish a possible website style for my own site.

On the site above i mostly just liked the font and the simplicity of the black and white colour scheme, it didn't really contain any photographs but the decorative borders compensated for that since they were almost images themselves. a simple scroll down navigation mirrored the simplicity of the website style (something i am considering for my own website) columns give the content a newspaper like style which is further congruent with the black and white colours and the circus font.

The website above was one of my favourites, each page had a different background but the main red twirly object remained a constant throughout, they had a very steampunk kinda theme and i love the posters which create the navigation and move when hovered over. the arrows also alter when hovered over they change colour which directs focus another aspect that i could include within my own site. the bright red of the main podium contrast against the faded background and i liked the sense of depth within each page which is generated by the moving background.

This page has a very scrapbook style which i really really like and i think that i am going to use the same paper background, the paper creates a bland enough backdrop not to detract from the content but it matches the content style and emphasises the overall theme of the website.  i love the main logo banner at the top and i definitely want to make mine in a similar style although i plan to add a stitched style that i have already come across in my research. The side navigation bar gives most of the content priority on the site whilst remaining in view and in regards to considering responsiveness, when the size is decreased having the navigation in a separate box at the side would allow for it to fill the smaller frame without having to rearrange fully.

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