Wednesday, 4 June 2014


In order to understand the business design world copyright must me understood so here is my brief understanding of copyright that I have tried to bear in mind when designing.

Copyright Law- A form of protection- it protects the designers/creators right to that work, it should stop other people from stealing your work.

It protects, Books, Music, Artwork, Films, Software and Typography.

Copyright does not protect anything intangible ideas and phrases or principles aren't subject to copyright although various patents may protect them.

Copyright does supposedly restrict creative dispersal because it runs for a long time which means that ideas are not being expanded upon.

In order to get around copyright owners can give permission or be paid by companies which would give that company rights to reproduce what is created. If neither can be attained, then it is only when the creator has been dead for 70 years that it becomes public domain.

Fair Use

 Fair use is not a law, its a set of guidelines but it can be used as a defence to copyright.

Works can be reproduced or come under fair use- when used for education, news reporting, teaching, parody and research but it cannot change the works value in the market.

Original owners should be credited if anything is used.


The amount of work borrowed, its commercial use (profit of non profit) and the nature the of copyrighted work (if it is transformative) are all components that display the limitations of fair use.

Creative Commons License

This is the license that I have placed upon my work on the behance page. My work can be shared but it cannot be altered or reproduced in any way.

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