Friday 25 January 2013

Initial Research Trailers and clips from the 1940s

I began by researching some general clips from the 1940s to get an idea of the film style and the era, i didn't limit myself strictly to British films because i wanted to get a feel for the time period rather than the place.
Mostly i loved the movement in this clip ( a drive through los Angeles) and how it panned round the streets without real focus which effectively kept the subject broad, portraying the setting rather than specific people. The long bouts of continuous uninterrupted filming means that transitions do not have to be used ensuring the films smoothness and fluidity which once again relates to the overall concept a drive through Los Angeles.

I particularly liked how the camera swung round to follow these women across the street which was actually a fairly fluid  camera transition which allowed for a perspective change.

After this clip i began focusing more on Britain and the home front which relates directly to the Winston Churchill speech.

Although this mini film is made up of lots of clips which means that certain fadeins have to be used to jump from one clip to another ( it really effects the fluidity of the clip something i shall definitely consider when creating my own trailer). This film really displayed the atmosphere in Britain during the war effort and i love the section that contains the Union Jack ( an aspect i plan to focus on during my own trailer to fully convey the innate Britishness).

I found this american anti Japanese propaganda film which really displayed the mindset during the war and government manipulations and its strange to watch this american Propaganda film in comparison to Churchill's speech ( which is effectively propaganda in speech form). Churchill mostly focused on how the British Isle must stand strong and united with its allies, that we would never surrender whereas this clip focuses more on vilifying  the  Japanese, what they  were planning and how different they were  "as different from ourselves as any people on the planet". To the average citizen they were an undoubtable enemy.

I then found this reel that was meant to display the power of Britain's air force and (it refers to the battle of Britain- the German air force tried to gain power by defeating Britain's but they were unsuccessful)
again i prefer the focus on Britain which obviously relates more to the speech that i have chosen. although as a form of propaganda it does vilify and focus more on the "enemy"  and how dangerous they are. it also displays Britain's own power and its defeats ( a shock tactic used to ensure British support) which makes the events arguably more real. Ive also noticed that a lot of these 40s films place text atop still or moving images which i should consider since i have to place kinetic text within my trailer.

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