Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rene Margritte art deco posters

i wanted to research some of the art that would have been around when the big sleep was written so i began looking into the deco period ( which ran from the 20s till the 40s). i thought that this might help to clarify my design style. the simple lines in the Magritte piece above generate an elegance which can be related to the femme fatale characters of the big sleep. its a very simple design which i guess is congruent with the period and incredibly feminie which is evidenced by the pink background, white flowers and female figure.

the poster above is my favourite out of all of the Magritte's researched, the elongated pose of the woman suggests elegance whilst the background shapes interlock and curve  introducing a directionality. its a lot buisier than the poster above which makes it more playful and fun. the cartoony style could easily be translated into silhouette. shape is incredibly important as it generates a background frame and i like how the colour of the text changes with each backdrop colour which ensures clarity but it also matches how the shapes in the background change.

again this is a really simple design the elogation of the characters a recurring theme which initiates a sense of elegance, this poster is a little more subdued probably because the background is very calm, the solid cream softens the image whilst the yellow curves match the yellows evident on the characters. the deco style font is something to consider when designing since it would have been around during the big sleep but it depends on the style of my own design- i want to make mine modern and bold.

im not actually sure is this is a Magritte poster ( it had no clear artist label) but nevertheless i really like th segmentation of colour in this piece through the blue and yellow and then via the white and black ( i really love how the arm is emphasised by this colour change). there is a delicacy to this piece which makes me think its a lino print the white lines is particular help to fill the blue section and direct the eye downwards. the pose of the woman and the diagonal position of the shoulders draw the eye up to the title. the font made exceptionally playful by the tilts and fat stokes. the solid fill of the character is reminicient of silhouettes which i plan on manipulating in my own design.


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