Tuesday 29 April 2014

Branding Poster...

So after much discussion on Monday - Dan and I both ended up pitching posters- it was suggested that my poster could be used as some kind of catalogue cover and it was agreed that using two very different styles wouldn't produce coherent branding, so we both ended up pitching what we had. They preferred this design to the one pitched previously (I have since added very soft blue objects round the outside of the laptop since it was decided that the blank background needed something). I hope I haven't stepped on anyones toes- I didn't mean to even pitch this- I made it more for myself and as an extension of the branding previously pitched (I wanted to develop that style and this seemed like an extension of that) but Teacher Andrew seemed to like it and it was nice that its now a part of the show. A lot of the class seemed to like my idea- although Im a bit worried that I may have offended people by putting it forward- although I am glad that we didn't choose 8 bit because that style doesn't appeal to me at all (I had a lot of concerns about it previously which only grew when I googled the 8 bit style).

I also introduced a white smudged boarder above which I think would look really cool when printed- especially if we print small business/postcards with it on.

I have added squares in the background of this poster (although I'd need to put the boarder and the text on) this is the alternative background to the blue objects- I prefer the blue object one since it matched the busy theme. 

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