Friday 25 April 2014

My concept for the Branding Posters...

After looking at lots of different posters I decided to try and come up with more of a concept for the branding posters I didnt want to focus on dots because I dont think that its a very original concept- Im also not a massive fan of the name (I dont think it offers much of an inspiring theme) so want to make a poster that works outside of it. I also dont think that whatever depicted in the poster has to match the name- I think its the only way I can try and be original with it.
So my initial plan is to make a black and white poster - much like Pattullos black and white prints- filling the design with random objects. I plan on including digital objects, as well as more random ones. As well as this I thought that it might be a nice touch to represent people in the class with their own objects, just to make it more personal and fun for us. Sticking to black and white keeps it neutral but Im hoping adding splashes of colour will add some vibrancy.

Thoughts for objects so far:

Digital Objects:

Video Camera
Logos for Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator
Hard drives
Memory Sticks

People Objects:
Jake Guest- Superhero- his ycn project revolved around superhero's and I know he loves them
Chloe Honeyset- A charm bracelet - she really likes her jewellery and fashion and I've noticed that she has a pandora bracelet!
Alessandro Tesoro- Something Italian to highlight his Italian roots- maybe a plane ticket, a plan, a flag?
Glen Myers- Games Console or a Bandana - The bandana references the sunburn incident in Barcelona.
Dan Ellis - The bandana (again the Barcelona Bandana incident)
Liam Rhodes- A football - Liam seems to be football obsessed
Connor Mcnally- A woolly hat - Connor wears hats religiously - Im not actually sure what the top of his head looks like!
Dan Mole- A guitar- Dan plays guitar and talks a lot about guitars and amps
Ollie Whittaker- a camera or a car
Andrew Pledger- a toolbox- Andrew seems to have a Mary Poppins rucksack with a variety of tooks in and likes to build things
Gina Allen- pink, chocolate, Makeup, Hair extensions- Gina is a girly girl so I think that any variety of dainty objects will work well in the design- hopefully this will add contrast against all the different blockier shapes.
Ani Choudhury- a sketchbook or games console
Me- Some Dms with ribbon laces

Keys (from the keyboard)
Bottles- we are student partygoers
Champagne glasses- in reference to the event

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