Wednesday 15 May 2013

Ibook Table of Contents

So i combined strips of my patterns to generate an effective cover, i wanted it to mirror my pages but i also wanted it too look like a book cover which is why i added a stitched border and corners to the overall design. placing my heading on a large black strip was to draw the eye straight to the logo and to break up some of the patterns so its not too manic although admittedly there is a lot going on within the cover.

 i had a few issues creating my table of contents because each page used the same constraints on the text which is why some of the headings arent as alined as i'd like them to be. In the image above i added the butterflies to make it relate more to my subjects, although the butterflies are all the same i dont think it matters too much because they are so small. The blue frame around the edge related to my framed facts at the beginning of each chapter.
 i opted to use photographs to give my ibook a bit of relief from all my patterns, as well as this i guessed that the table of contents would display my chapters which use the patterns as backgrounds.

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