Friday 25 April 2014

Additional Branding Experiments...

I've been playing around with some different designs and this is one of the ones that I have come up with - I took inspiration from the weapons of mass creation poster and opted to put my images within a recognisable shape (I felt the laptop worked best in the end because its one whole shape unlike the imac which would require a separate keyboard and mouse). I used the elements that I has already made and combined them together to form that shape. Since this is just a personal experiment Ive put in my name choice as well- Ive also done this just in case we get told that we have to pitch more ideas to the BA's if they dont like it.

I think the blue and red is my favourite colour combination- I think that its a lot softer than my previous posters because of this.
Black red and blue is another favourite colour combination I like the red on the black colour which is very striking but I dont think it works as well the blue.
Im not convinced on the orange and yellow- I think that the yellow screen colour is a little off on the rest of it and should be changed to match the tone of mustard round the edge.

This is my favourite of all my colour iterations- making the text a darker shade helps it to stand out more and adds a fourth tones that helps to soften the overall design. I placed the student exhibition time and place text within brackets so it looks like code- for all the coders on the course. Overall I much prefer this poster design, it utilises shape a lot more and I prefer having more of a vibrant colour scheme- I dont have any hopes in it being used after our group discussion since Ive used the same elements but I feel a lot better about submitting this that I did my last.

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