Monday 21 April 2014

End of Year Show Brief...

Just received the new brief for our end of year show, as I understand it we have to produce:

Our own responsive website or brochure- with business cards/postcards - I think im going to build a website as much as I hate coding I think it would be useful to have one.

A branding poster to pitch to the group - to brand the show

Put forward 2 printed ideas and 2 movs to go into the show- each student gets one guaranteed piece of work in the show

we have to manage the show and have input in pretty much all aspects whilst remembering that the show is also for the bas

overall what we have to produce individually doesnt seem too bad- the website has me worried but thats because its not a strength, but as a group we have to work together on a lot of aspects so I imagine that there is going to be a lot of long discussions. Working as one big group also means that individual styles and voices may get lost but I think its important for everyone to engage and be happy with branding choices and work submission choices.

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