Monday 21 April 2014

Inspiring Artwork...

I love the poster above- the papercut type was the initial draw- I  really love the solid jaunty edges. The wonderland instantly grabs the attention whilst the smaller contrasting blue and pink text draws the eye downwards into the bottom landscape itself. The foreground house has a lovely quirky silhouette- the walls slant inwards and I like the facebook and twitter signs which have been disguised as windows. I also like how the slogan has been incorporated into the sun- a contrastingly swirly "petite pencil" has almost been etched in. Again this poster manipulates a limited colour palette which is something I plan to take into consideration.

The desert scene above is one of my favourites its a print from the university of Bournemouth. I love the oranges and blues evident within the piece there a great sense of softness despite the block contrasting tones which is made apparent through the feathered white smears on the orange background. The cactus' are my favourite element I love their shape and how they break up the vast orange, The transparent letters integrates the phrase but I really like how its been placed on the sign - possibly something to consider.
The texture drew me into the Guardian print- I really like the speckled colours and the angular content which gives the poster a sharpness. The dolphin and the water in the palm of the hand instantly draws the eye and I like how this is balanced by the text below. The poster has a grainy quality to it and it almost looks like lighting effects have been used to keep the centre the focal point (since its lighter than the edges)
I really loved the typography on the suitcase above, Its a nice self contained little design- the chalky texture of the type combined with the black and white colour scheme reminds me of a blackboard- which gives the design a vintage feel. The thick travel type instantly draws the attention but the curvy hand drawn swirly writing below is just as legible and words well. I like how the suitcase has been outline using a soft chalky outline which keeps the design coherent.
The picture above is that of a book cover but I thought the hand drawn type (with the softly textured paper background) and the vibrant real life 3d petals worked beautifully together.  I like the idea of incorporating something real into a  type piece it helps to convey depth.

I really love the paper cut out abovr- its made entirely form painted pieces of paper that have been cut and raised to create this collage. The colours are lovely and soft and all the different papers and strokes give the whole piece a nice texture which softens the harsh angle of the building. There is a clear sense of light and dark and I really like how the sky has almost been scratched into to provoke contrast.

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