Monday 21 April 2014

Making the name fun...

Before I started designing any branding for the end of year show - I tried playing round with the chosen name to make it more fun- and interesting.

I came up with:

Lots of Dots Per Inch

Dots per inch- thinking outside the dots

Dots per inch - Thinking inside the dots

24 dots per inch (the number of students - foundation and BA just to give it something)

I like including the number of students somewhere so I might present this in my own branding and see what anyone says- I also need to confirm the number of Bas- I know there are 13 of us and I went with 11 for them but im not entirely sure on numbers.

I also like the thinking outside the dots and thinking inside the dots (thinking inside the resolution) so I plan on including this slogan within my branding poster- I just want it to be a bit light- a bit fun and a bit playful which is what the course is about: experimenting.

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