Wednesday, 11 December 2013

After Effects...

Using After Effects was much easier this time around because I was already familiar with a lot of the tools used. Again I created both my visualisation and my promo using the basic transform tools. Because I had designed and drawn out most of my elements within Illustrator is was mostly just arranging these objects so that they moved fluidly. Making my fruit explode was probably the most fiddly part because I had little bits of 'fruit' that needed to fly outwards with a revolving trajectory. It required a lot of patience and a lot of layers but I did manage to make it slightly easier on myself and use the parent tool.

 These are some of my layers for my promo- which I stupidly didn't pre-comp because I wanted to time certain elements primarily the backgrounds to the music. Although it didn't bother me overly once I had finished making my fruit explode because I didn't have as much to deal with in my next frames.

I did a lot of pre-comping for my visualisation which was really helpful because I had several elements that were repeated throughout (the home screen being the main example) and it allowed me to play with my timings when I put it all together.

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