Sunday 9 February 2014

Drawing the Swans...

I wasn't sure if I was going to include the swans because I already have the peacock element but after some brief experimentation I felt that smaller birds could work especially if I posed them as if they were in motion.  I opted to design 3 (as a general rule I find that odd numbers work better design wise). I made sure that one of them had a curved neck so it had the recognisable swan shape to it.

I started with the outline and integrated a soft darker tone to some of the feathers (I wanted to put the tone in before the white so it was easier to figure out the darker tone). I used a thin pencil brush for the black outline, and a rounded brush at 50% opacity to integrate the tones of colour which kept the colour pretty fluid and blended.

I gave the swans a pale blue tone to introduce an additional warming shade that also helped to make the swans match in colour with the rest of my design, since blue and pink are recurring shades.

Im really happy with my swans, I think that they will add a sense of directionality and I'd like to ideally use them as a framing element within the whole thing. Overall they have a very vintage look to them which is good because Kidston's work is very much based on vintage prints from the 40's and 50's.

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