Thursday 14 November 2013

Alcohol brand Initial Research Ciders

I decided that I would focus first on ciders since I feel that I've got stronger ideas on this particular type of drink. I googled brands of cider and found three big brand names that I was already familiar with. 

The label for Brothers cider is one of my favourites, the variety of fonts used is reminiscent of a carnival/fun fair poster, which gives it a playful quality, I love the swirly writing which contrasts against the bold brothers font, and there is a remarkably homegrown aspect to the label itself. 

Brothers was one of the first brands that I looked into that had a visually appealing website. Its very fun bright and focuses on the fact that it sold a large amount of its pear festival cider at Glastonbury- something that would enable me to generate a fun visual style. 
Brothers markets to a younger target market and according to its website over 70% of consumers were between 18-34 years old. It also has a very strong student following and has a strong link to music and festivals due to its glastonbury roots. There are a variety of fruits and flavours to the brand which would allow me a broader scope within m app.

Bulmers has a more organic styling to brothers, it focuses more on the orchards which is probably because Bulmers stresses on using 17 different types of apples within its cider. Bulmers also has a variety of flavours like Brothers although I think that Bulmers is aimed at a slightly older target audience something more akin to y 20s-45's simply because Bulmers has a more rustic feel to it and a heritage that is iconically related to Ireland which to my mind seems more synonymous with a slightly older generation although the vibrant colours of the labels and the beverages arguably also hints at a younger market. I would also suggest that due to the colours and the flavours that Bulmers is aimed at both men and women.
Magners is actually the base company of Bulmers, Bulmers is a spin off from Magners and I was surprised by how different the two have been branded considering that they originate from the same creators. Magners is definitely aimed at an older target market 30's to 50's and I feel that Magners is aimed more at older men than women which is not only suggested through the same rustic Irish heritage but through the more subdued website which focuses more on a bar style as well as textures.

So far out of the three brands that I have looked at I am currently more drawn to the Brothers cider brand since its history with festivals and music could be used to generate a more fun and vibrant app.

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