Thursday 31 October 2013

After Effects Continued... 4

The start of my how to lower your carbon footprint segment was by far the longest and the most complicated. I had about 23 layers to the entire scene with my various vegetables on each, initially it was very simple and I made good use of the parent tool. However it got more complicated when I integrated more movement by adding in a zoom aspect I had to make sure each element the soil, the grass the veg all moved smoothly together (its still not perfect but its mostly there) it also all had to be scaled carefully at the matching keyframes and repositioned so that there was a smoother movement. Im happy with it so far but its not completely correct- although I guess a slight jerkiness matches the visual style of the piece.

 Since I wanted to make sure my scenes linked as a whole I also included the draw in element used on the stars at the beginning on the beans that grow in my veg sections, this also helps to create a sense of layering since they are being 'drawn on the paper behind' and contrast against the raised appearance of the foreground.

 I continued this sense of layering and transitioned to the next scene my making the scarecrow a fixed element and having the hills slide there way up as though someones sliding paper upwards, a simple but effect movement (generated through altering the position) and one that I plan on re-using to ensure continuity.
 I then used the drawing in element again on the turbine bases (although i guess I could have also slid them in with the hills perhaps something to change depending on the crit.)
 The tops of my turbines fade in whilst revolving to give it a smoother feel and continue rotating till the end of scene. I started each turbines rotation on a different position so they didn't look the same.
My layers list above and the  23 layers with different movement and timing = six seconds of footage!

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