Thursday 3 October 2013

Renewable Energy Sources

I didn't really have a starting point so I decided to briefly explore renewable energy sources, since the brief specified that our animations should be motivational I opted to look at the positive methods that could be used to limit Co2 emissions rather than beginning with the impact that Co2 emissions has on the environment.

I  feel that renewable energy related to the general message theme within the brief since it displays how using these sustainable sources of energy can make a difference to the atmosphere. The energy itself is natural and renewable energy seems to be synonymous with the reduction of the carbon foot print. Despite this renewable energy is a large concept one so its not going to appeal to the average homeowner something that should be considered in regards to the animation project, the aim of which is to inspire change and action. 

Renewable Energy

Solar Panels- Panels generate electricity from the sun's energy and can be used to power lighting and other appliances.

Daylight is needed not sunshine
Can cut the average electrical bill by 40%
Reduces carbon footprint

Solar water heating- a lot less cost than solar panels

A large roof is needed
Initial costs are higher than conventional heating methods


Manufacturing a solar panel produces 960 pounds of Co2, although this sounds like a lot its 30 year lifespan makes the amount of Co2 produced a lot better than that generated by non renewable sources, on average solar panels produce 30 times less greenhouse gases than energy from coal.

Wind Turbines- Harnesses wind power to generate electricity and there are even micro wind turbines that can be fitted to the roof and used to power a single home. There are off shore wind turbines as well as inland ones. Turbines effectively harness wind and use that to create a charge that can be stored.

Reduces carbon footprint, The carbon footprint of a large wind turbine is about 11 gramms of Co2 although offshore wind farms have a higher footprint because they are harder to reach.
Cost is once again initially high for the turbine
The larger ones are said to mar the landscape,


 The Uk has over 3,400 wind turbines with enough power to supply over 3.2 million households. It has reduced CO2 emissions by 6.4 million tonnes every year by displacing electricity from fossil fuel power stations.

Hydropower-  Running water and waves create kinetic charge and can be harnessed and converted to electricity. It is the most widely used renewable energy source.

The cost is low
Can be used to power dams, tidal power stations and inland power stations
Obviously green energy although the creation of large dams and hydroelectric power stations contribute 10-30g of Co2, but due to there lifespan it is considered to have a lower carbon footprint.
A tidal turbine is responsible for 18 grams of Co2.
Reservoirs are needed to power inland stations which means theres a loss of land to accommodate this
Since the dams hold back large amounts of water there is great risk of flood to those nearby if they fail.


Hydropower has a load factor between 40- 60%
Scotland has 85% or the UKs hydro-electric resource.

Biomass-  Plants photosynthesise to create their own energy, burning these plants releases that energy so it can be used to generate heat  it is a renewable energy source but it actually produces a lot of pollution and increases co2 emissions.

Overall I think that renewable energy sources is an effective way to reduce our carbon footprint and would fit in well with my animation. Visually (wind turbines in particular) there are some interesting shapes that would translate well into my animation. Although I do think that the subject of renewable energy is fairly dry so if I do opt to display these elements as methods we could use to change I will have to integrate the humour and the fun elsewhere as well as in the overall style. As well as this renewable energy is a big concept that is impersonal so I would have to include smaller ways of change as well to ensure  the overall accessibility of my animation.

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